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You are always writing the same text to describe what you have done on the story? Ready for acceptance templating is a solution to make the writing of these messages faster.

On PivotalTracker


  1. Combiner adds the same icon under the comment textarea as the description
  2. By default, clicking on it won’t show anything
  3. If you want to add a templates:
  4. Click “More” in the top menu of your pivotal tracker project
  5. Click on “Manage templates”
  6. Click on “Add template”
  7. Create a template with this format: [pivotal-r4a] Name of your template
  8. Example [pivotal-r4a] Cloud
  9. You can create multiple ones with different names
  10. Go back to a story comment textarea
  11. Click on template icon and see your templates name showing up

On BaseCamp

Default template


  1. Go to your project on basecamp.com
  2. Click on “New message”
  3. Click on the Combiner extension
  4. Choose a story and click on the “document” icon
  5. See the basecamp message title and description filled with story data.

The default message title is

R4A: {story.title}

The default message description is:

Hi {story.requester},

The story [{story.title}]({story.url}) is ready for acceptance.

What was done


How to test


Pull requests


Story size changed




Customise the template


You can overwrite the default title and description in your basecamp messages. To do it, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to your pivotal tracker project
  2. Click on “More” on the top nav
  3. Click on “Manage Templates”
  4. Create a basecamp title template:
  5. Click on Add Template
  6. The template title must start with “[r4a-title]”
  7. Type your template in the description
  8. Create a basecamp description template:
  9. Click on Add Template
  10. The template title must start with “[r4a-description]”
  11. Type your template in the description

The syntax here is markdown and it will be converted in a BaseCamp suitable format. You can use the template preview. Pro tip: If you want to add extra spaces between paragraphs, you can add the HTML tag <br />.

Content will be parserd by Combiner, to be replaced by the story information. Here are the possible replacements:

  • {story.id}
  • {story.title}
  • {story.description}
  • {story.project_id}
  • {story.url}
  • {story.requester}
  • {story.owners} will be replaced by story owners full names separated by commas
  • More to come…